Friday, March 23, 2018

3/23 - Class Recap

Have a great Spring Break! I (Mr. Fritz) will be spending part of mine in Hawaii!

Hello everyone,

Today was our last class before Spring Break. Here's what happened today in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Explains the process of change and continuity in a society, place or region.

Soundtrack: “Roam" by The B-52s. Selected for today because of all of the students roaming around the world. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/23/18:
Check In/Review of Four Agreements & Six Conditions
What Can I Do Today?
Questions about 13TH

Homework: Read the blog! Turn in your Writing for Justice narrative if you have not yet.
Check In/Review of Four Agreements & Six Conditions: Here are the Courageous Conversations Agreements. We will always review this at the beginning of class, as it sets the foundation for how we want class to approach the issues we are studying.

Since today was the Multi-Cultural Assembly, we debriefed that in class together. I love this particular assembly so much!

What Can I Do Today?: We also asked students if there was anything they wanted to add to the "What Can I Do Today?" poster up at the front of the room, in terms of actions outside of class. As such, we talked a bit about the "March For Our Lives" in Portland this Saturday at 10 AM.

Next, we discussed media news sources as related to staying informed about what is going on, since we added that to the list on the wall last class:

This chart comes from and is the work of Vanessa Otero. It is definitely important to have a variety of news sources and analysis in what you are taking in. Do not be too dependent on any one source or bias!

Questions about 13TH: We will try to tackle a few questions from students each class that came up out of our viewing of 13TH. Today's questions were:

Why don't many know about ALEC? Why are amendments that are not fair still valid?

Would it be realistic for the "war on drugs" to be incorporated into American history education since it contributed to the systematic oppression that exists now?

Thanks for the conversation here!

Connect: At the end of class, we wanted students to hang out and talk/connect about what they were up to over Spring Break and anything else going on for them. This time was to build community in class. Thanks, everyone!

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