Tuesday, March 13, 2018

3/13 - Class Recap

Jay Z's song "99 Problems" is in part about the racism apparent in the justice system of the United States.

Hello everyone,

Welcome back from your weekend! Here's what happened today in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Explains the process of change and continuity in a society, place or region.

Soundtrack: “99 Problems (Clean)" by Jay Z. Selected for today because of the connection with the film we watched in class. Lyrics (not clean) here.

AGENDA 3/13/18:
Check In/Review of Four Agreements & Six Conditions
Finish 13TH

Homework: Read the blog! Turn in your Writing for Justice narrative if you have not yet.
Check In/Review of Four Agreements & Six Conditions: Here are the Courageous Conversations Agreements. We will always review this at the beginning of class, as it sets the foundation for how we want class to approach the issues we are studying.

Finish 13TH: The first part of class was spent finishing the documentary 13TH, which exposes how the 13TH Amendment (outlawing slavery, but creating a loophole for convicts to work for the government) has impacted American society.

The quote that Ms. Labossiere wanted students to note down and see how the film investigates is: "Racism is built into the DNA of America. And as long as we turn a blind eye to the pain of those suffering under its oppression, we will never escape those origins."

The documentary is available to watch on Netflix, here:

Discussion: After the documentary was over, we split up into groups to discuss our reaction to the film, based on the Courageous Conversations compass (linked above). Thank you for your participation and engagement in this important documentary! 

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