Thursday, April 5, 2018

4/5 - Class Recap

One of the sunsets from Spring Break in Hawaii, on Maui!

Dear class,

Welcome back from Spring Break! It feels like a very long time since we have seen you! Here's what happened today in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Explains the process of change and continuity in a society, place or region.

Soundtrack: "If I Ruled The World (Imagine That)" by Nas and Lauryn Hill. Selected for today because the students in our class will be ruling the world some day! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 4/5/18:
Check In/Review of Four Agreements & Six Conditions
What Can I Do Today?
Questions about 13TH
Small Group Articles

Homework: Read the blog! Turn in your Writing for Justice narrative if you have not yet (grades have been posted for this assignment).
Check In/Review of Four Agreements & Six Conditions: Here are the Courageous Conversations Agreements. We will always review this at the beginning of class, as it sets the foundation for how we want class to approach the issues we are studying. We also asked what students were up to outside of class since the last time we checked in.

What Can I Do Today?: We also asked students if there was anything they wanted to add to the "What Can I Do Today?" poster up at the front of the room, in terms of actions outside of class. If you have done something on the list, we invite you to come up and put a star or some other note by it - not a check mark, because our work is never done.

Questions about 13TH: We will try to tackle a few questions from students each class that came up out of our viewing of 13TH. Today's questions were:

Why is ALEC so underground?
Why is marijuana still so criminalized?
Will prisons fill up to the point that they can't hold more prisoners? What'll happen then?

Why do people always say that we have come so far from where our country was in terms of racism when we really haven't?

Thanks for the conversation here!

Small Group Articles: For the rest of class, we had students get into groups of five and assigned the following articles for students to read individually, then share out with the group what they are about and what important takeaway points were:

Obviously, there is a lot of material to go through here and points to think about. We will continue this conversation next class!



    1. Thanks for the video, anonymous! I'm glad you are continuing to engage with these issues as we present information that may challenge what the video is saying. As far as the headline about racism being in the DNA of America and our conversation in class, it sounded like most students believed that while there were some tangible signs of progress, racism is worse than ever because it is mostly covert, as we saw in the articles today.


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