Monday, September 25, 2017

9/25 - Class Recap

Today's documentary was about family - here's my family at my wedding last year! - Luke

Hello everyone,

Today, we continued with our unit on The Black Fatherhood Project, which will culminate next class with a visit by the filmmaker as we have a discussion about the film and what it brings up. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:

I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.

I can explain the process of change and continuity in a society, place, or region.

Soundtrack: "Family Affair" by Mary J. Blige. Selected for today because of the connection to family. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 9/25/17:
Check In/Review Agreements
The Black Fatherhood Project
Review Atlantic Article

Homework: Read the blog! Complete your section of the Atlantic article by Ta-Nehisi Coates (read, annotate/mark the text, and come up with at least two discussion questions for a Socratic Seminar next class). Jordan Thierry will be here and there will likely be people from the district.
Check In/Review Agreements: With this section, we talked a bit about what is going on outside of class, especially with the national anthem protests in sports this weekend. We also agreed the Courageous Conversations Agreements and Conditions.

The Black Fatherhood Project: This was the documentary we prepared for last class by passing out a timeline for vocabulary and defining these words:

Chattel slavery and colonialism
Introduction of Christianity
Sharecropping / Jim Crow
Menial jobs
War veterans
Drug use
Drug trafficking

We tried to pause for notes during the film. Here is the film again if you would like to watch it (password was given out in class - or you can email us to ask for it, as we would like to protect Jordan's intellectual copyright to his work):

Hopefully you found this interesting and insightful as to many of the issues in the black community surrounding fathers today! Again, we will discuss the film in connection with the Atlantic article next class.

Review Atlantic Article: At the end of class, there was a bit of time to keep reviewing/reading your assigned section of the Ta-Nehisi Coates article on black families in The Atlantic:

Remember to come prepared next class with at least two discussion questions from your section of the article! As promised in class, here is the grading rubric for the Socratic Seminar discussion in class:

It will be great to have Jordan with us (even for such a short class, given it is a Wednesday). Please know in advance that it is likely the Beaverton School District will have representatives in the classroom and cameras to film Jordan's visit. See you then!

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