Wednesday, September 13, 2017

9/13 - Class Recap

The Courageous Conversations Agreements, Conditions, and Compass that we went through today in class.

Dear class,

Our first day with us all together! Thanks for your patience as we develop this new structure and team teaching model. Here's what we did today in class:

Soundtrack: “Comin’ From Where I’m From” by Anthony Hamilton. Selected for today because students are continuing to work on the Where I'm From poem (due next Tuesday). Lyrics here.

AGENDA 9/13/17:
Yarn Map Review/Where I’m From
Google Classroom/Poll
Courageous Conversations Protocol

Homework: Read the blog. Post a comment if you have not. Complete “Where I’m From” assignment.
Introduction/Attendance: For now, with the open walls, as we get to know all of the students in the combined class, we will take attendance by passing around a sign in sheet. Please make sure to sign in during class!

Yarn Map Review/Where I’m From: With this section, Ms. Labossiere described the Yarn Map on the side of her room, where students are encouraged to take a piece of yarn and pin where they were born to where their ancestors are from in the world.

The Where I'm From poem was assigned to Ms. Labossiere's class last week, but not the second class that met with her, so it is now due for everyone next Tuesday. Here is a copy if you forgot to grab one in class:

Google Classroom/Poll: This section was for signing up for Google Classroom and letting us know if there was anyone in the class you knew you did not feel safe with in a small group, as we start to make those groups. Thank you for your input here!

Courageous Conversations Protocol: This is the framework for our ground rules and expectations with what we are doing together this year. As Ms. Labossiere and I noted, we use this same framework in our own equity meetings and with staff here at Westview. We went through the picture linked to above at the top of this post, point by point. At the end of class, we had students get in groups based on their assigned quote from Ms. Labossiere's class and introduce each other, as well as talk about what they might struggle with the most in terms of the expectations outlined.

Finally, as students left, copies of this vocabulary guide were picked up. Here's an online copy if you did not pick it up in class.

We will start filling this out together soon. We realize it is a long document AND we want to make sure that everyone has working definitions of what we are discussing in class, so we have a common language and framework for what we are doing.

Thanks everyone! See you on Friday!


  1. Missed class- but caught up :) thanks - Raedene

  2. Hellooooooo hw done :) Kayla Fredrickson

  3. I've seen that documentary twice now and each time I am left utterly speechless, tense, and over come with rage for change. Thank you for introducing that feeling to people who hadn't seen it yet. Emerson Brady


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