Friday, September 15, 2017

9/15 - Class Recap

Photo from a subway station at Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC, in 2011.

Dear DSJ students,

Another eventful day! Today, we continued to get to know each other dived into what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia, right before the school year started. Here's what happened today in class:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.

I can demonstrate an understanding of how individuals and non-governmental institutions interact with each other and the government in shaping politics.

I can apply an understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.

Soundtrack: "Differences" by Ginuwine. Selected for today because it's an old school throwback and because we are continuing to talk about differences in America. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 9/15/17:
Review of Four Agreements and Six Conditions
Vocabulary Packet – Peer definition of Race & Racism
Exit Ticket – Writing Reflection

Homework: Read the blog! Post a comment if you have not. Bring in completed Where I'm From poem to class on Tuesday!
For in class work and activities today, please see the PowerPoint we went through together, here:

For slide 3, on race and racism, we started building our vocabulary guide that was picked up at the end of last class, by asking fellow classmates for their definition, before we provided our own.

The rest of the lesson was based largely on discussing and deconstructing Charlottesville, in watching the tremendous VICE News short documentary. We excerpted it in class, but if you would like to watch the whole video (CAUTION: intense/graphic scenes of violence, explicit language), is is here to watch:

Our closing activity was to create a poem. The directions were: with a partner, write a poem about Charlottesville incorporating the facts, phrases, names, and reflection that you observed, read, or watched. Please make sure both your names are on the document. If you did not do so in class, please turn this in on Google Classroom before next class.

Thanks, everyone! See you next week!


  1. Super interesting class day! The Charlottesville video had me feeling very shocked and disgusted.

    1. Hi there! I'm glad you found class interesting. We will definitely aim to keep current events and analysis of what is going on as a big part of the content!

  2. My last comment was meant for this post oops. Emerson Brady


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