Thursday, May 31, 2018

5/31 - Class Recap

Today in class, we had Ms. Seamone come in and talk with us about Westview's discipline data and national trends.

Dear class,

Back in the swing of things before the end of the semester! There is certainly plenty to do in our short remaining time together. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "Fight For Your Right" by Beastie Boys. Selected for today because of fighting being a common reason for school discipline, as well as the upcoming party for the Seniors! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 5/31/18:
Check-In/Review Agreements
What Can I Do Today?
Discipline Presentation
Final Assignment

Homework: Read the blog! Continue working on your final project! Sign up for the potluck next class!

Take Broden's survey here: Google Drive - Broden's DSJ Survey
Check In/Review Agreements: At the beginning of class, we went over the Courageous Conversations Agreements, as always, to begin our work together for the day. After checking in, we talked for a bit about what is happening in the world outside of class, before moving on.

What Can I Do Today?: We also asked students if there was anything they wanted to add to the "What Can I Do Today?" poster up at the front of the room, in terms of actions outside of class. We also noted that the list is live on the blog here on the upper right corner, with links!

One event coming up this weekend (aside from the baseball State Championship game!) is the Native American Pow-Wow at Southridge. Here is that information if you are interested in attending:

Discipline Presentation: Next, we had Ms. Seamone, who is the Dean of Students here at Westview, come in to talk about her analysis of data about student discipline trends, both nationally and here at Westview. It was really interesting to see what is going on here and have students guess as to what is happening! Here is the presentation that she went through with the class:

Additionally, we said there would be more reading and materials linked to on the blog from the handout that she gave in class, if students were interested in reading more (perhaps for your final project?). Here is a shared folder of these readings:

Lots to think about, for sure! Thanks for coming in to talk with us, Ms. Seamone!

Final Assignment: The rest of class was spent working on the final project proposal (one paragraph) which was due at the end of class (on Google Classroom). As a reminder, here is the final assignment:

We will be going through these and offering feedback, so definitely get it in as soon as possible if you did not in class! See you on Monday, for the Seniors last day!

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