Thursday, May 10, 2018

5/10 - Class Recap

We continued the conversation that we had last class about our racial autobiographies today. It was such a rich discussion! Thank you, all!

Dear class,

Happy end of the week! In DSJ, we continued to talk about race in our society. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce. Selected for today because all of the students in our class are irreplaceable. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 5/10/18:
Check-In/Review Agreements
What Can I Do Today?
Affinity Group Seminar
Serena Williams

Homework: Read the blog! Please turn in any missing work as soon as possible.
Check In/Review Agreements: At the beginning of class, we went over the Courageous Conversations Agreements, as always, to begin our work together for the day. After checking in, we talked for a bit about what is happening in the world outside of class.

What Can I Do Today?: We also asked students if there was anything they wanted to add to the "What Can I Do Today?" poster up at the front of the room, in terms of actions outside of class. We also noted that the list is live on the blog here on the upper right corner, with links!

Affinity Group Seminar: This was a continuation of the conversation that we had last class, where the main focus was listening to the experiences of other groups. Before we began this conversation, we showed this video about White people and race:

The historical research combined with current events was helpful in guiding this conversation, which we will continue next class. Here are my (Mr. Fritz's) notes from this conversation, making sure to keep names anonymous:

Starts with debrief on the last conversation --> did the White students feel bad?

The most difficult thing is to start the conversation --> "I didn't mind being asked"

Not liking the stereotypes of Whiteness, like being un-athletic

Stereotypes do not impact White people as much --> not as negative

"When people say baseball is not a diverse sport, I don't like it"

"Basic" as White stereotypes

"This is the first time I have heard White people say they care about being stereotyped"

It's not funny - own it

Being seen as Jewish first, White second

"I grew up being taught to love my culture, but I wanted to become White, and dress American"

Skin tone preference - tanning/don't go outside: "that was f***ed up"

No one tells you to be White, but society shows you over and over through the media

Example of putting hairclips on nose, trying to flatten it growing up

Anime is White - seen as superior

Haitian culture - wide nose is bad, so pinch baby

"When I moved here, it was such a difference - so White"

"Were you ever attacked for being White in a neighborhood that was mostly of color?" --> "No, but my mom had stories"

"I have always been the one Black person" --> "It's interesting to hear what it is like for other people to feel in the minority"

Experience of being socially less powerful, even when people of color are in power

Japan example: see White people as wild and disrespectful/untrustworthy

Never get to see ourselves in media: not being able to dress up as Snow White --> "I felt like I didn't fit in"

White people do not have to think or talk about race --> experiencing discomfort

Not being able to communicate in other languages while traveling, White people feel uncomfortable not being able to know what to say

Nail salons and Asian women example

People of color laughing and making fun --> saying jokes so that White people would know for a fraction of a second what it is like

For White people: have you ever had something you have told was better than what you are?
-- colored contacts
-- hierarchy of looks/hair = blond hair, blue eyes

Wanting to look like mom: tanning and wanting to look darker

"When I walk into a room, I get scared if it is just White people"
--> do you feel uncomfortable when White? --> goes with self-confidence
--> sports help with embracing diversity for a cause

White people do not have a good reputation --> "wanting to prove I am not racist"
--> need an opportunity to demonstrate good will

"White people do not have the sort of racial trauma that people of color have"

It is hard to assume ill intent/implicit bias

It is a privilege to walk into a room and not have to think about race

Want to be able to look good, protect yourself from looking bad, getting hurt

Proud to see White people in this class --> "They actually want to be here?"
--> Who is here to learn vs. who is here to argue

Do you feel like people of color have to work harder to prove themselves academically or athletically?

Being a White/heterosexual/well educated/financially well off male puts me at the top of the pack --> what do I do with this?
That was where we ended class today. We cannot thank you enough for the fantastic conversation - we are very proud of your willingness to engage with the class on race. Please continue to have these conversations and remember to get your racial autobiographies to us as soon as possible.

Thank you all and have a great weekend!

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