Wednesday, December 13, 2017

12/13 - Class Recap

A quote at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, DC. Senator-Elect Doug Jones of Alabama used this quote during his speech last night.

Dear class,

With our shorter Wednesday today, we were mainly focused on providing some scaffolding and context for key terms in the unit on Class. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "Walk on Water" by 30 Seconds to Mars. Selected for today because of the music video (which we played in class) having a lot to do with the themes we are talking about.

AGENDA 12/13/17:
Current Event
Key Vocabulary Activity

Homework: Read the blog! Catch up on any missing work. Next Current Event: Christian, Ben, and Isaac.
If you missed class or wanted to see the presentation that guided our class for the day, it is here:

Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we got started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

Current Event: After checking in, this is the presentation that Jordan, Nathan, and Lili the class through:

An article about the story they took a look at is here:

As a reminder, this is the assignment for the current event:

The next Current Event will be led by Christian, Ben, and Isaac.

Key Vocabulary Activity: We know that the DSJ Vocabulary Guide is a bit daunting, so we wanted to take the key terms from the unit and split them up so that small groups of 2-3 could define them. Here are the terms and the requirements that went along with this assignment:

1.     Wealth
2.     Pursuit of Happiness
3.     Equity
4.     Inequity
5.     American Ideals
6.     American Morals
7.     American Work Ethic
8.     American Exceptionalism
9.     UnAmerican
10.  Social Class
11.  Economic Class
12.  Working Class
13.  Middle Class
14.  Upper Class
15.  Poverty
16.  Capitalism
17.  Materialism
18.  Classism
19.  Class Bias
20.  Wage Gap (new term to define)

Groups will:
- Define the term
- Provide a recent example
- Create a visual representation
- Write down the definitions from other groups in the DSJ Vocabulary Guide

This is where we ended today! Thanks for your hard work, everyone! Keep it up!

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