Thursday, November 9, 2017

11/9 - Class Recap

Veterans Day is always November 11th (due to being the day that Armistice was declared to end World War I), but we observe it this year on Friday.

Dear class,

Another three day weekend, as we observe Veterans Day tomorrow! Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "You Don't Own Me" by Lesley Gore. Selected for today because a student suggested it in the comments on the blog, and because of the connection to the Gender unit in the lyrics.

AGENDA 11/9/17:
Check-In/Review Agreements
Current Event
Finish Documentary
Reflection Questions
Class Discussion

Homework: Read the blog! Finish your documentary reflection questions! Next Current Event (half of this group): Kate, Quinn, Miryana, Esraa, Brooklyn, Lauren, Tony.
Here is the PowerPoint that we went through today to guide class:

Check In/Review Agreements: At the beginning of class, we went over the Courageous Conversations Agreements, as always, to begin our work together for the day. After checking in, we talked for a bit about what is happening in the world outside of class, before moving on.

Current Event: After checking in, the teachers had the Current Event for the day. The presentation is linked to above. The two articles we used in crafting it are here:

As a reminder, this is the assignment for the current event:

The next Current Event will be half of the group of: Kate, Quinn, Miryana, Esraa, Brooklyn, Lauren, Tony.

Finish Documentary: Next, we finished the recent National Geographic documentary on Gender. To watch the trailer for the documentary, click here:

During the documentary, we wanted students to take notes on what they were seeing and how it connected to the vocabulary definitions and questions they had at the start of the unit.

Reflection Questions: After the documentary, we asked students to write a reflection on watching it (this is homework, as students did not have much time to do this in class). The questions were:

What was your overall impression of the documentary?
Did you find yourself experiencing discomfort? How so?
What did you learn about gender?
Is there any information you learned that you will be able to use in the future, with your interactions with peers, family, or children?

At the end of class, we let students go a bit early to go cheer off the boys soccer team off to the State Championship this weekend against Jesuit! Good luck, Wildcats! See everyone next week!

1 comment:

  1. For anyone looking to find out more about what it means to be gender fluid I would highly recommend the book "The Symptoms of Being Human" by Jeff Garvin. It is a fictional story, but well written and provides insight as to what it means to be gender fluid.


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