Monday, January 29, 2018

1/29 - Class Recap

Sunset over our time together! Photo taken in Hawaii in 2011.

Hello everyone,

Today was our last class together, as we had finals! Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.
I can self-direct my learning.

Soundtrack: "Thankful" by Kelly Clarkson. Selected for today because I always use it as the last song of the semester, as we are truly thankful to be your teachers! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/29/18:
Share Final Projects

Homework: Continue to advocate for social justice in your life! :-)
Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over the weekend and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

Share Final Projects: As today was our finals period, we had students share out their final projects and presentations in small groups. If you have not already, you need to upload your final project to Google Classroom immediately, as we will be going through and grading them together tomorrow (Tuesday, 1/30) afternoon.

Reflection: After sharing the final projects, we had students write an overall course reflection about what they will take away from DSJ. What went well? What could we improve on? Obviously, since it was the first time we have taught the course together, we are going to hopefully improve for next semester. Your feedback is helpful in this regard!

Action: At the end of class, we celebrated our time together by hanging out and talking about what we would be up to next semester, as well as how we could put what we have learned into practice. Thank you, everyone, for all of your hard work and participation all semester! It was a pleasure to be your teachers! Make sure to continue to stay engaged and to encourage others to sign up for the class!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

1/25 - Class Recap

One more class until the semester sails away! Photo taken in Hawaii in 2011.

Dear class,

Today was our last work day before finals! Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.
I can self-direct my learning.

Soundtrack: "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke. Selected for today because it is a famous Civil Rights Movement song and also because we hope that you as students can help be the change you want to see! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/25/18:
Final Project
Work Time

Homework: Read the blog! Complete your final project!
Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over the weekend and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

Celebration: To celebrate the work you did this semester (as well as Katelyn's birthday, of course), we asked students to bring food in if possible so we could enjoy a work time together. Thanks to everyone for all of your work this year, and especially to students who brought food in!

Final Project/Work Time: The rest of class was devoted to work time on your final project, which will be due to be presented next class, on Monday, during our finals period. As a reminder, here is the final assignment, which you will need to turn in during class:

Please continue working on this outside of class and let us know if we can help clarify anything! Be ready to present your findings during our finals period together on Monday!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

1/23 - Class Recap

So close to the end of the semester - we only have two more classes together after today!

Hello everyone,

Welcome to your last full week of the semester! Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.
I can self-direct my learning.

Soundtrack: "At Last" by Etta James. Selected for today because this is the start of our last week together! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/23/18:
Finish Lift Ev'ry Voice
Final Project

Homework: Read the blog! Continue working on your final project! Sign up and bring something for the class potluck on Thursday!
Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over the weekend and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

Lift Ev'ry Voice: We finished watching this excellent documentary from OPB about the history regarding race in Portland (specifically about the African-American community):

We started today at 55:04 into the film and finished the rest.

Here is the worksheet that goes along with the documentary:

I think it is super important that we understand our own history regarding race in Portland, especially as I think there are some common assumptions that are just not true. As such, I was glad to see that almost everyone was glued to this in class. Thanks for your focus and willingness to learn about our own history!

Discussion: After the documentary, we went through the questions together and talked about our own experiences with race in the Portland. Thank you for the conversation! The film notes will be graded as a Behavior target: self-directed learning.

Final Project: The rest of class was devoted to work time on your final project, which will be due to be presented next Monday during our finals period. As a reminder, here is the final assignment:

Please continue working on this outside of class and let us know if we can help clarify anything!

Friday, January 19, 2018

1/19 - Class Recap

We began watching the documentary "Lift Ev'ry Voice" in class today, which is about Portland's history with the African-American community. One key section is about the building of the Memorial Coliseum and Moda Center. Photo taken in 2009.

Dear class,

As we start to wind down new content in DSJ, we wanted to be sure to leave students with a better understanding of how race has played a role in the history of Portland and Oregon. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "Coming Home" by Mat Kearney. Selected for today because it is a song about Oregon. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/19/18:
Race in Oregon
Lift Ev'ry Voice
Final Project

Homework: Read the blog! Continue working on your final project!
Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over the weekend and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

Race in Oregon: As I tried to point out today, there is a LOT of history in our own community of racism, that I think students do not typically know about. But, there is a reason that Portland is one of the whitest major cities in the United States. A few links for curious students to check out:

Ms. Labossiere also wanted to be sure that we talked about the laws that prevented people of color from owning property in places like Lake Oswego and throughout Oregon. Here is an example:

We also watched the first 4 minutes or so of this video, to help set the stage for the main documentary we wanted to show in class:

Lift Ev'ry Voice: For the rest of class, we started watching this excellent documentary from OPB about the history regarding race in Portland (specifically about the African-American community):

We stopped today at 55:04 into the film.

Here is the worksheet that goes along with the documentary:

I think it is super important that we understand our own history regarding race in Portland, especially as I think there are some common assumptions that are just not true. As such, I was glad to see that almost everyone was glued to this in class. Thanks for your focus and willingness to learn about our own history! We will continue with this next class and have a discussion.

Final Project: As a reminder, here is the final assignment:

Please continue working on this outside of class. See you next week!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

1/17 - Class Recap

Another quote from the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to your last Early Release Wednesday in DSJ! Shorter classes are always difficult to pack everything we want to do in. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "The Edge of Glory" by Lady Gaga. Selected for today because you are so close to the end of the semester! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/17/18:
Current Event
Final Project Drafts
Lift Ev'ry Voice

Homework: Read the blog! Continue working on your final project!
Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over the weekend and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

Current Event: The last current event of the semester was today! We had Auriel, Alyssa, and Jay share their current event. The presentation they went through can be found here:

We are resolved to change the structure of current events around for next semester, but we enjoyed what students brought in to talk about during this first semester! Thank you for your effort, everyone!

Final Project Drafts: As a reminder, here is the final assignment:

Today, we wanted to see whatever you had done on your project so far. The turn in link is on Google Classroom, with the prompt of: Submit a rough draft of what you have for your final project work as a check in. What have you created so far? Have your goals been met? What will you need to do in order to finish and present your findings by January 29? How will you be presenting your findings?

Please continue working on this outside of class. See you on Friday!

Friday, January 12, 2018

1/12 - Class Recap

Today, we talked about why Monday is a day off of school in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and that the day should be used in the spirit of service of our community.

Dear class,

Both of us were excited to teach about MLK Day in DSJ! Thanks for your participation in the activities. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "A Dream" by Common. Selected for today because of the song lyrics and connection to the "I Have a Dream" speech. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/12/18:
MLK Day of Service
Pictures - Reactions
Role of Children Lesson
Final Project Work Time

Homework: Read the blog! Participate in the MLK Day of Service over the weekend! Your final project rough draft is due next class! Next Current Event: Auriel, Alyssa, and Jay.
The PowerPoint that guided our lesson today can be found here:

Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over the weekend and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

MLK Day of Service: With MLK Day on Monday (which is why there is no school), we definitely wanted to talk about why we need to view it as a day of service to the community, instead of a day "off" of school/work/etc. As such, there are a ton of events that people can participate in around town - or, you could take the initiative to do something else in our community. Here's a list:

I (Mr. Fritz) memorably had Isaac send me this video in 2016 after I implored my Global Studies student to participate in service on MLK Day:

Please participate in service in some way! :-)

Pictures - Reactions: Next, we walked through a lesson we adapted from Stanford University about the role of youth in the Civil Rights Movement. To begin, we showed students photos of children involved with the movement along with the quote: "Real men don't put their children on the firing line," which was said by Malcolm X. We asked students for their reactions and their level of agreement with the quote, then had students pair up with someone of opposing levels of agreement, to have a conversation.

Role of Children Lesson: Next, we showed an excerpt about youth being involved in the Civil Rights Movement from the PBS documentary "Eyes on the Prize," which is cued up here (starting around 30 minutes in and going for about 8-10 minutes):

We then asked students these discussion questions:
Why did the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights make the decision to use children in the campaign?

Why were parents discouraged from posting bail for their children?

What do you think King meant when he stated that the demonstrations allowed children to develop “a sense of their own stake in freedom and justice?”

How might you have responded to the call to participate in the demonstrations?

What sacrifices would you be willing to make for a cause you care about? Be specific.
We appreciated your participation and engagement here, and encourage you to continue to think about how you can serve the community!

Final Assignment/Work Time: The rest of class was spent working on the final project, which obviously we hope is connected to service in some way. As a reminder, here is the final assignment:

Please continue working on this outside of class - a rough draft of what you are planning to do is due next class. See you next week!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

1/10 - Class Recap

As we approach Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, we will be talking more about his legacy of service in class.

Hello everyone,

It was a quick Wednesday day together as we checked in and talked with students about their final project proposals. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "Dream On" by Aerosmith. Selected for today because of the continuing importance of the Dream Act and DACA legislation that is currently being debated in Congress. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/10/18:
Current Event
Review Proposals
Work Time

Homework: Read the blog! Continue working on your final project! Next Current Event (on next Wednesday): Auriel, Alyssa, and Jay.
Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over the weekend and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

Current Event: Today we had Holly, Olivia, Sierra, and Oscar present this current event:

As a reminder, this is the assignment for the current event:

The next Current Event will be led by Auriel, Alyssa, and Jay (next Wednesday). That will be the last one for the year!

Review Proposals: After the current event, we had students come check in with us 1 on 1 about their final project proposal (which was due on Monday). We wanted to provide guidance and clarification as to the expectations for the assignment. If students had not finished the project proposal, this was work time. As a reminder, the rough draft of findings is due next Wednesday, so a week from today.

Final Assignment/Work Time: The rest of class was spent working on the final project. As a reminder, here is the final assignment:

Please continue working on this outside of class - perhaps especially on Monday with your day off of school? See you on Friday, when we will be talking more about the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service!

Monday, January 8, 2018

1/8 - Class Recap

Today in class, we had Ms. Seamone come in and talk with us about Westview's discipline data and national trends.

Dear class,

Back in the swing of things before the end of the semester! There is certainly plenty to do in our short remaining time together. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "Confessions, Pt. 2" by Usher. Selected for today because of our look at student discipline at Westview. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/8/18:
Current Events
Discipline Presentation
Final Assignment

Homework: Read the blog! Continue working on your final project! Next Current Event: Holly, Olivia, Sierra, and Oscar.
Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over the weekend and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

Current Event: Today, Alyanna and Lex presented this current event:

As a reminder, this is the assignment for the current event:

The next Current Event will be led by Holly, Olivia, Sierra, and Oscar. We do not have many of these left to go!

Discipline Presentation: Next, we had Ms. Seamone, who is the Dean of Students here at Westview, come in to talk about her analysis of data about student discipline trends, both nationally and here at Westview. It was really interesting to see what is going on here and have students guess as to what is happening! Here is the presentation that she went through with the class:

Additionally, we said there would be more reading and materials linked to on the blog from the handout that she gave in class, if students were interested in reading more (perhaps for your final project?). Here is a shared folder of these readings:

Lots to think about, for sure! Thanks for coming in to talk with us, Ms. Seamone!

Final Assignment: The rest of class was spent working on the final project proposal (one paragraph) which was due at the end of class (on Google Classroom). As a reminder, here is the final assignment:

We will be going through these and offering feedback, so definitely get it in as soon as possible if you did not in class! See you on Wednesday!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

1/4 - Class Recap

Flying into Chicago on December 31st, 2017.

Hi everyone,

Another one day week with you! As such, we tried to recap where we are at and begin thinking about the end of the semester. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
I can communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
I can effectively conduct and apply research.

Soundtrack: "Welcome Back" by Ma$e. Selected for today for obvious reasons. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/4/18:
Current Events
Vocabulary Posters
Final Assignment

Homework: Read the blog! Your one paragraph final project proposal is due next class. Next Current Event: Lex, Alyanna, and Davis.
Check In: At the beginning of class, we asked students what they were up to outside of class over Winter Break and if there was anything they wanted to share with everyone before we started with the day. Thanks for your participation, as always!

I also talked about the reason I was absent from school just before Winter Break started: my uncle and aunt were killed in a bus accident in Mexico that made the news, here: - Americans among 12 killed in bus crash during Mexican cruise excursion. After my dad's death, I became even closer with my Uncle Andy and Aunt Jody, so their deaths are especially hard to fathom, as well. The memorial service for both of them is this Saturday in Olympia, Washington. It was a very challenging break, for sure. I appreciate everyone's kindness and understanding during this time.

Current Event: We had two current events today, due to missing it last class with the choir concert.

First, Honna and Phyllis presented this current event:

Then, Jenna and Christopher presented this current event:

As a reminder, this is the assignment for the current event:

The next Current Event will be led by Lex, Alyanna, and Davis.

Vocabulary Posters: We know that the DSJ Vocabulary Guide is a bit daunting, so we wanted to take the key terms from the unit and split them up so that small groups of 2-3 could define them. Here are the terms and the requirements that went along with this assignment (which we started before break and finished today):

1.     Wealth
2.     Pursuit of Happiness
3.     Equity
4.     Inequity
5.     American Ideals
6.     American Morals
7.     American Work Ethic
8.     American Exceptionalism
9.     UnAmerican
10.  Social Class
11.  Economic Class
12.  Working Class
13.  Middle Class
14.  Upper Class
15.  Poverty
16.  Capitalism
17.  Materialism
18.  Classism
19.  Class Bias
20.  Wage Gap (new term to define)

Groups will:
- Define the term
- Provide a recent example
- Create a visual representation
- Write down the definitions from other groups in the DSJ Vocabulary Guide

Thank you for your participation here!

Final Assignment: We passed this out in class before break as a heads up in terms of what we wanted you to start thinking about. It's now time to start making some choices in terms of what you might like to do!

Your one paragraph project proposal is due next class! We gave students time in class to start thinking about what they want to do and write up the proposal. That was it for the day!